Academic Assembly Program

Current Chair: Andrew Little, DO

Board Liaison: Jason Wagner, MD

For inquiries, questions, or comments about the committee, please send an e-mail to CORD staff.

Please visit for more information. 

Current Goals & Objectives:

  1. Coordinate and oversee the didactic program and program sub-committees for the CORD Academic Assembly. 
  2. Actively work with and engage track chairs and their respective sub-committee members with the end goal of organizing sessions and enhancing opportunities for networking.
  3. Provide an electronic means (e.g., AA wiki) for tracking progress of program content and fostering facilitation of ideas amongst Academic Assembly committee members.
  4. Hold two in-person meetings (Academic Assembly/ACEP) with subcommittee members with the option for periodic phone calls throughout the remainder of the academic year to facilitate completion of the didactic grid.
  5. Provide progress reports to the CORD BOD at regular intervals as well as complete committee report forms to be posted on Sharepoint.
  6. Work with administrative staff on the following:
    • Develop an annual budget by August 1 for BOD approval. 
    • Coordinate and facilitate speaker expenses and reimbursement.
    • Facilitate completion of the CME application and online web materials (e.g., handouts/power point presentations)
    • Develop a strategic plan for promotion of Academic Assembly
    • Determine locations of future Academic Assemblies
  7. Monitor the feedback from Academic Assembly to ensure delivery of a consistent product with measurable objectives that meets the needs and expectations of membership.
  8. Annually review the operations manual for AA and suggest edits/updating to the BOD.

Current Projects:
