Current Chair: Kandice McLeod

Purpose: The Nominating Committee will oversee the nomination review process and awards nominations for the Executive Committee.

This includes:

  • Identify and recruit candidates for the Executive Committee positions.
  • Vetting the executive committee nominations
  • Review and Score nominations for EMARC Awards
  1. Nominations
    • The nominating process will begin on or by November 15 of each year. Candidates can self-nominate or be nominated by another EMARC member in good standing.
    • Nominated candidates must complete and submit:
      • Copy of his/her CV
      • Biography
      • Program Director Letter of Support
      • Photo of Candidate
    • Candidate submissions will be reviewed by the Nominating Committee for final approval and acceptance to run as a candidate in the election.
    • Official declaration is when a nomination is received electronically, by CORD.  The declaration period begins November 15 and closes December 31 at midnight (Central) of each year.  
    • Candidates must be an EMARC member in good standing.
    • A candidate may only run for one Board position in each election.
      * The Executive Committee reserves the right to verify information on a candidate’s resume.
  2. Campaign Materials
    • Candidates’ resume will be made available to eligible EMARC members at the time of voting.
    • If EMARC distributes any written or electronic election material(s) for any candidate at EMARC's expense, it shall make available, at EMARC's expense, to each nominee, in or with the same material, the same amount of space that is provided any other nominee, with equal prominence.
  3. Voting and Ballots
    • Members in good standing are eligible to vote and shall have a maximum of one vote per election.
    • Ballots will be distributed February 1 of each year.
    • Voting for EMARC will open on February 1 and close on February 15 at midnight (Central) of each year.
    • A majority of valid ballots shall elect the Chair, Vice Chair and Secretary.
    • The candidates for Member at Large positions receiving the highest number of votes cast shall be elected to office, up to the number of available positions.
    • In the event that there is no majority, a run-off election between the candidates receiving the most votes for the affected position shall be held. The run-off election will run in length no more than seven (7) days. A majority of valid ballots shall elect in a run-off election.
    • CORD management services group will tally and give final voting results to the Vice Chair for review.
    • Vice Chair will inform each candidate of the election outcome within three (3) business days from the close of the election.
    • Once candidates are informed of the election outcome, the EMARC membership will be notified.
  4. Installation of Executive Committee

    The installation of the newly elected Executive Committee takes place during the EMARC Business Meeting.


Jim Graber
Ann Hill