As more programs move to a virtual conference in an attempt to protect our workforce and stem the spread of COVID-19, CORD has teamed up with the education leadership at Academic Life in Emergency Medicine, Foundations of Emergency Medicine, and EM Fundamentals to provide a summary of free resources available that can be used to facilitate the transition to virtual conferences.

This is an initial list of resources, an updated list of resources will be maintained at

Resources for hosting virtual conference:

Resources for recruiting outside speakers:
If you are interested in hosting a guest speaker from another program or offering to speak at another program’s virtual conference session, use the form below to recruit presenters and list your own talks:

Resources for conference coordination across institutions: 
If you are interested in coordinating shared virtual conference sessions with another program, use the form below to match up conference times and discuss collaborations (e.g. interns from 3 programs share a session run by faculty at program A, other residents participate in a session run by program B).

Resources for running live sessions:

This area is still rapidly evolving -- you can check for updates regarding new resource development from each of these organizations here:

As a supplement or alternative to virtual conferences, some programs may turn to Individualized Interactive Instruction (III). Many programs already have systems in place for III, however current circumstances may call for an increased use of this method of instruction. While many educational resources may be used for III, ALiEMU is a free and well-suited platform for this purpose. Links to multiple ALiEMU series are included below, as well as the CORD Education Committee’s publication on best practices for using III.

CORD Best Practices:
Individualized Interactive Instruction: A Guide to Best Practices from the Council of Emergency Medicine Residency Directors

III Resources:

Finally, there are dozens of high-quality resources for asynchronous learning available. This is just a small sample of resources from our organizations and is not meant as a comprehensive list.

Asynchronous Learning Resources:

This is a starter kit, if you have additional resources that you think would be useful, please send them to

Michelle Lin on behalf of ALiEM
Kristen Grabow Moore on behalf of FoEM
Eric Shappell and James Ahn on behalf of EMF
Michael Gottlieb and John Bailitz on behalf of the CORD Education Committee