Comments from CALC Graduates

Please view some of the comments below from our 2018 Course Graduates.

"Great course.  AAMC and ACGME already have well-done courses for new PD's, DIO's, etc.  No one has a financial course like this one. "

"In my opinion, the only course similar is the Harvard course for Chairs/Deans." 

"The best part of CALC was getting to know how to work the business aspect of the residency, NOT GME but actually the business aspect." 

"Thank you for allowing me to be a part of this course. I really appreciate the opportunity and loved the whole experience." 

"The books and articles were great." 

"The speakers were experts in their fields."

"CALC certainly added to my CORD experience—it helped me look at things from a completely different angle.  I used to become frustrated with the business aspects of why we couldn’t do something or build something, but now at least understand some basics of how to approach the problem, identifying stakeholders, and know where to guide my reading on financial aspects (I don’t pretend at all to understand some of the math yet).  The in-person parts of this course were awesome—the web-based sessions were well presented, engaging, and offered a wide range of experiences."
